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Old 03-26-2018, 02:35 PM   #12
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Re: '65 SWB - The never ending project

Originally Posted by UKNOWME View Post
Speed Density. Figured it out. Gonna have to research that. Doe you still have a PCM?
It's as simple as installing an IAT sensor in the base plate of the air cleaner, removing the 2 pins from the MAF (if it's a 5 pin truck harness) and wiring them to the IAT. Then it's just tuning.

A good SD tune should be nearly identical to a MAF tune. Everything remains the same unless you do an open loop SD tune then you can lose the front o2's as well. I let people a lot smarter than me do the tuning, but I have HPtuners and I'm comfortable doing all the novice stuff. You can really mess some **** up once you start adjusting tables.

Yes, stock PCM. I have used stock PCM's in all my builds. Never made enough power to really need a Holley, so I sold it. And while microsquirt looks really awesome, I'm just really familiar with the stock PCM's/wiring. Just preference really.
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