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Old 04-03-2018, 01:54 PM   #1
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Posts: 186
Rally Wheel Lug Nuts - What size / style?

I happened to purchase some Rally style wheels for my 1986 C10 today. My current wheels (slots) are the washer style, and are rusty. I want to get some new lug nuts for the rallys, but I'm unsure what size and style are correct.

I BELIEVE that the size is 1/2 x 20, but as far as style, I'm not sure if I should be going with acorn (aka cone) style, acorn bulge, or something with an open end.

I was looking at McGard, just want to make sure I'm buying the style that looks good for the rallys.

Anyone have suggestions... bonus points for pictures of a style on your truck?
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