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Old 04-04-2018, 02:16 AM   #137
Killer Bee
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Re: Need seat pictures please

Originally Posted by silvertonguedevil View Post
So I live less than 100 miles from SMS. Maybe I'd have better luck dealing with them in person? Also, do you happen to know what fabric specifically I'd be looking for, for my '66? It looks like they tried to throw several incorrect samples your way. I'd want to go into it armed and ready.
well you're in luck, sort of..

I can't find the sample sheets with all the pieces stapled to them, just the scanned images..

but I ran by the upholstery shop this evening and he still had a remnant of the metallic fabric..

the solid fawn and ivory are probably not that difficult to identify, I can take better pictures if needed..

but I'd be happy to loan out this sample if you want to take it with you for a match..

I certainly hope you would get better service in person, but might want to call ahead to verify he's there..

I do want it back for future reference for other folks though.. just let me know..

I started out with nothing - and I still have most of it
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