Originally Posted by Dieselwrencher
Nice work on the cab. The vice is a bad deal but what can you do? 
Thanks, I still have not replaced the vice. I really need to get this done. However I keep getting side tracked. That and I am running out of time for this part of the build. And my list keeps growing. My main goal for right now is to replace the cab so when I have the cab off I can replace the trans. but while I am replacing the trans I need to refresh the engine and while I have the trans out I need redo front suspension and steering, ball joints etc, while I am doing that I need to upgrade the brake system.
So unfortunately I am really starting to cut corners on the cab I just need to get rid of the rust and get it painted now. Normally in one of my builds I try to make it look factory perfect or if I am resto modding something I try to make it look like that it could have been factory. But I just don't have time anymore I need to get back to the 911 build soon as I plan on moving in a year or less. And it's killing me not to clean up all the welds on the floor and especially the side vent ducts it's driving me crazy but I plan to under coat that airea and it will never be see is what I am telling myself. That and the front floor pans that the PO replace are already all jacked up and super hacked. That unless I redo that, that whatever I do cannot be any worse. So if its not going to be seen it does not have to be pretty.
Any ways back to the build.
On to the side ducting for the fresh air vents I really wanted to remove the whole thing clean all the rust out and do it right. But with the time I have it could take a few weeks.
I cut out the rot.
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jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr[/IMG]
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jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr[/IMG]
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jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr[/IMG]
I made some patch panels unfortunately I am out of thinner sheet metal all I have left is 16g and 11g sheet.
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jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr[/IMG]
So I did this and this is mainely what the rant is about. I after I did this I regretted it. but I dont have time to redo it now.
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jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr[/IMG]
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jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr[/IMG]
Not that this is much better not cleaning up the welds.
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jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr[/IMG]
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jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr[/IMG]
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jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr[/IMG]
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jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr[/IMG]
So I got side tracked as I wanted to mock up the master cylinder for the hydroboost conversion so I can drill my holes be for I paint the cab. So I need to make the front tilt frame removable and I could not mount the hydrobooster.
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jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr[/IMG]
Now the top half is removable for activities.
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jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr[/IMG]
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jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr[/IMG]
I had to enlarge the hole for the hydrobooster
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jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr[/IMG]
I also removed all the seam sealer as it have some rust under it in spots.
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jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr[/IMG]
Hopefully some time this upcoming week if weather permits I will start removing the windshield and start removing the dash so I can cut the piece out so I can start stripping it for paint.
I have order most of what I need for paint.
And I just realized I don't really have much of a build breakdown or my goals and Ideas/ plans I have for this build. I summarized my first goals for this part of the build in my rant. and first post. But I have a ton planned for this truck about 20 different ms paint photo shops of ideas and around 300 save photos of of ideas I would like to incorporate. I have I list at the moment of 66 things That I need to do or plan on doing at some point in the future.
So just some of the things that I don't think I have talked about yet yet in this build. So I have stated I am converting to air ride I am in the front and helper bags in the rear. I plan on installing a compleat on board air system. I am still deciding on how it will go. The way I see it I will use a 20 or 30 gallon air tank and I can either use 2 or 3 standard 200 psi air ride air compressors or I can use a york air compressor and convert it to on board air use or I can buy a gas powered compressor system that you would see on a job site truck and remote mount it. That said I already have a york compressor that came on a 70 911 I had. But it probably needs rebuilt. I plan on having 4 air hook ups on the truck as well as a 50 ft hose reel. I would like a on board generator welder. I also plan on making the dovetail removable. One it would make the truck more drivable when I am not hauling. I think I would use it a lot more. The current plan for the dovetail is to make it removable where only one person can do it. One of my many ideas is to use four trailer hitch receivers that the dove tail would slide into. I would use 4 removable trailer jacks with wheels. I would also like to make the dovetail hydraulic at some point. I want two winches one for the bed and I would like a front which. So I would also like to build a heavy duty winch bumper. Lots of built in work lights around the truck. Better under bed storage. A secondary gas tank. I will also be turboing the truck however I am still deciding on how I want to do it. I have a hx35 I was going to put on another project I may use and I could make a reliable 500Hp with a mostly stock 350. or for the cost to turbo it I could just swap in a 6bt, Then down the road convert it to compound turbos. Just a few plan I have for it down the road well most of the big ones.
Any ways I got side tracked again. So back to paint I have ordered most of what I need so as soon as I get the dash in I will start to prep for paint. As for the paint I have been racking my brain on what color I want to paint it. colors I wanted to paint it. Celery Green Metallic, Fathom Green Metallic, Teal Green Metallic Brown Metallic. How ever I really don't have time for body work and I would not justify puting good paint and not spending time on the body work. That and I really wanted to keep my red interior. So I started looking for colors that I think would looks good with red interior that I could do cheap and not put a lot of time in to it, so Black, silver, white or red. I really hate the white. Honestly if the truck was any other color I would have left it as it was and just fixed the floors rockers a rust holes and left the patina. I love rat rods I built my first rat rod last year and sold to buy this truck. So after months of trying to decide what color to paint it. I decided to compromise. And paint it all four colors! Black, silver, white And red! My plan at the moment is on the inside of the cab, black below the window line with red accents, red on the inside roof A and B pillars. The door jams and firewall black. The outside of the truck will be silver... well almost. I plan on striping it down to bear metal and clear coating it. I found some clear coat made for bare metal. The problem with clearing over bare metal is no matter how clean you get it it will start to rust and it webs out. I plan on making it look like it has a brushed finish to it. Then I plan on painting the roof white with white rocker and I am considering raptor lining the rocker in white.
Kinda like this but brushed bare metal I really like the rat rod/ patina look.
The Rat jeep I built and sold to fund this build.
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jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr[/IMG]
I almost forgot I went to a swap meet today and scored a Edelbrock Performer intake manifold 2101 for $40!
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jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr[/IMG]
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jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr[/IMG]