Re: Updates and Emblem question
Lol Thanks. Here's pics from today, first one is when I got finished with the hood last night (pic taken today), and the second pic is when I got done with the right drivers side (4 hours after the first pic was taken). I found out that that was a 1'x1' section a ½" thick of body filler on the hood where it got dented and that was the Po's fix before he painted his light blue truck black. Prime the hood to keep it from rusting until I have my mechanic fix the dent and few rust spots. Found about 12 pinholes in the hood to go along with the big rust spots on the hood. Glad one of the mechanics in the shop has done metal fabrication most of his life (and is a certified welder), should be able to fix it right. And then I can prime it and bolt it to the truck. Still waiting on wirkng harness.