Originally Posted by rkleypas
Anyone removed the flapper and sealed off the floor vents on their cab? The cowl is off my truck, and I can easily cut them off and weld a flat panel over them. I plan to run Vintage Air, so I don't think that will cause a problem. Anything I am forgetting?
Yes. I sealed up (welded actually) both sides in my truck. As has been stated, the Vintage Air does not use air from the cowl. I had mine apart, and made sure there was no rust in the air box, and made sure the drains (triangles that drain water into the fender area) were open, and coated with POR 15. I then just welded the inside up; and that's been that. I'll try to post a picture, but I've had zero issues.
Last note, I did weld in a panel from Scott's that makes the cowl smooth and sealed. So, no water or leaves, or anything else entering the cowl area. I just thought that was smart for long term rust prevention. Not sure how it would work if you kept that open... Just food for thought.