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Old 04-13-2018, 02:02 AM   #5
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Posts: 162
Re: WTB rear spring hangers partial floor,misc

Thats a start what about the rear shackle hangers would you be able to source those? I like how you cut th frame with the brackets as it allows me to take the time to remove the rivets carefully. I
I thought about just taking them off and getting instructions new bolts etc then offer for sale or trade for originals! But I don't know the likely hood of that working or not. I need the front hanger for another Blazer by the way.
And as far as the B. seat brace goes, I saw older posts of some badly rusted ones, with the rust being where it is covered by the R boxes. Well I decided I will probably splice a piece in, so I really only need 28-30 inches or so, meaning 14- 15 inches form the center out on both sides, so if you have one that is not in the greatest shape it would probably still be fine for me. Nick
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