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Old 04-13-2018, 10:47 AM   #1
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Join Date: Mar 2018
Location: Bakersfield, CA
Posts: 308
Hello from Bakersfield, CA

I just realized I never introduced myself. I have like 3 threads going already with different questions about the truck I picked up last Friday.

Anyway, My name is Chris and I'm from Bakersfield.

My truck is a 70 GMC LWB 1/2t 6 bolt. It has a 350/350. It runs/drives but isn't roadworthy yet. It needs the blazer tank relocation finished, new windshield, headlights figured out and the seat needs some mending. Those are the main issues keeping it off the road. I plan to fix the above issues, go through the brakes, clean up wiring, changing fluids/filters, changing old gas out and hopefully have her driving by Fathers day (June 17).

I'd like to drive it at that point and then make improvements as I get funds/time.
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