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Old 04-14-2018, 03:08 PM   #20
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Re: 1966 C20- Great Grandpa's truck

I envy the OP. I remember the fun of riding in my Grandpa's old faded red '50 Chevy 3100 when I was little, like maybe 7 or 8. I'd give my left nut to have that truck now.
I remember the way the brake pedal sounded when releasing the brakes and you had to push a button on the floor to start it. I also remember the way the starter and engine sounded, the super thick steering wheel, the split windshield, all the stuff that our family's brand new '65 Plymouth Belvedere II didn't have. And most of all, I remember Grandpa.
Everybody has to believe in something. I believe I'll have another beer.
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