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Old 04-14-2018, 06:52 PM   #4
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Re: Cab install jig?

i used an a frame this go round and I just used a 4x4 with some eye bots at the end and two chain falls. it was the easiest I have ever done one. note there are 2 4x4s only because the a frame is not very tall so I needed the extra inches to clear the tires rolling the frame in.

IMG_7336 by Joe Doh, on Flickr
IMG_7333 by Joe Doh, on Flickr

also, I built a lifting jig from some 2x4s and it attaches to the cherry picker. its literally a one man job (with smooth concrete) I have used it about a hundred times and its still kicking. I lost the earlier pictures of my builds to photostupid, but here is almost the same jig by gigamanx, I made mine a little longer and put wood stops at the end to keep the cab on the jig.

20170115_104918 by giga manx, on Flickr
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