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Old 04-17-2018, 05:49 PM   #5
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Re: rotor recomendation

All of the local repair shops use Centric brake parts now. I had them installed on my 2002 Cavalier, front and rear, and the front rotors and pads are fine, but the rear drums were out of round, causing the rear brakes to pulsate. Someday I will change over to Delco parts and be done with it.

Scotty Kilmer recommends Akebono pads but I have never used them. I would do some research on Akebono and see what you find out. Given the massive size of 3/4 ton truck rotors, I think it is more likely that you have some other problem. Are the calipers sticking?

I had a local brake shop put Raybestos rotors and pads on the front of my 83 C20 and they have been working fine for about the past 14 years and 45k miles, almost all city driving. I think it is possible that you have just come up with the periodic bad rotors and/or pads that most manufacturers produce.
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