Re: Need help diagnosing 700R4 lockup issues..
I have a 86 700r4 that seems to have a bad 4th since it doesn't ever shift from 3rd to 4th. I think the last guy might have messed it up some how. I read that 4th can go after a rebuild or if someone doesn't have their TV cable right.
If I run the 700r4 in "D" instead of "OD", will it let me get by without having the lockup cable hooked up? I have heard that 85 and up will not burn up, if you run without lock up, but I wish I knew for sure. I like it how it is and it drives like a turbo 350, but I am wondering about excessive heat and wonder if that excessive heat is only when TC spins in 4th? My solenoid only clicked once and is probably bad, which is another reason im fine with no 4th.