Thread: 72 C20 Project
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Old 04-22-2018, 09:21 PM   #18
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Re: 72 C20 Project

On the way to take the power line pictures from the last post, I managed to get the truck up to 40 MPH for about a minute. That's the fastest the truck has gone for eight years, and it was an interesting experience. The brakes worked wonderfully, although I could hear the front discs dragging where the new pads haven't been broken in yet. My main concern, however, was just how little power the truck seemed to have. My theory is that the throttle linkage is mis-adjusted, and that having the pedal to the floor only gave me about 1/2 or less throttle. I intend to adjust the linkage and re-evaluate, but if that doesn't work, I'll probably end up buying another quadrajet on Craigslist and rebuilding it. Besides that, however, the truck seemed to do very well on the road, although admittedly at a rather low speed.
72 C20 Custom, Long Bed, 350 / 4 Speed Manual. "Trash Truck"
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