as i just finished both my front and rear axle now for the 3rd time--i am sure you have 373--in the axles with out anydoubt....if you are not on the highway's much--then listen to the advise given on the 456-gears....but if your like me and highway cruse thousands of miles-then go with the 410-411....this will give you tons of power--and you'll sh-t over the differance...from the 373's
but if in the future you plan on going to 38's at all- then go with the 456 now and save you time and bucks latter.....i really wish i had gone with the 456-instead of the 411---but the gas consumption is to much--if you do not need the 456 every day,,,,i run 36'' trxus---and still have enough power to eat these new big fords for breakfeast....
hope this helps