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Old 04-27-2018, 07:48 AM   #17
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Re: Seeking opinions on staying original or going modern

I vote updated, but not crazy. Modern fuel injection makes them so much nicer to drive. I would go small-block with one of the 3 GM options for fuel injection (TBI, TPI, Vortec) on a SB. I prefer TPI myself as the look is awesome and the low end torque is nice. Very few permanent mods to the truck are required. You can use all factory small-block mounts, exhaust, accessories, etc. I swapped a TPI into my '83 K20 and the difference is night and day.
'83 K20-TPI
'73 C10
'79 C10-ex-diesel(SOLD)
'07 Tahoe(Son driving)
'14 Suburban-DD
'71 C10-current project
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