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Old 05-01-2018, 10:09 AM   #1
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TAC Module for Vortec - Drive By Wire

Gentlemen, thanks for the previous help with the 5.3 wiring from my 2004 Buick Rainer donor. With you guys ideas and expertise, I determined this plug was for the TAC module

Unfortunately, now I realize, I didn't get the TAC module from my doner.

To make matters worse, I already purchased what I believed was the pedal for my application, and built this fancy pedal bracket for it. Doesn't it look nice?

Now my problem is that I'm not sure which TAC module to purchase. All the ones I find on Ebay and elsewhere, have a pedal with them that looks nothing like mine. The Wiring Connection doesn't even appear to be the same. Mine is clearly a six pin, in a row.
I haven't been to the salvage yard yet to look around, but that's my next step. Just thought I would put this out here first and see if you guys can help.
Anyone with experience, or maybe a vehicle in this range (2004) can see what their pedal connection looks like.
I might be able to just purchase one of these, but I don't want to cut out the pedal bracket if I don't have to.
Maybe I could rewire/solder the connection to make it work.
Any help is appreciated.

What I'm finding on Ebay:

Thanks guys.

Last edited by b-mac; 05-01-2018 at 10:38 AM.
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