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Old 05-01-2018, 01:23 PM   #6
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Re: 1980 C30 SBC (M code) factory exhaust configuration?

I'll be sure to take this information with me when the time comes to smog it....thanks, Keith. Having never owned a truck this old, it's just odd to me that even up to 1980 you could still get one in California without a converter.

And looking under the truck last night, I might've mistaken a couple of bushing'd, L-shaped brackets bolted to a hole on each side of the frame for exhaust hanger mounts that I've seen on other squares on the internet, which could mean this thing had aftermarket tailpipes at one time? What's left of the riveted factory hanger is only on the driver's side, which coincides with the info from the gm heritage center (1980 LT9 trucks had single exhaust).
A few Fords and a couple of Chevys
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