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Old 05-04-2004, 02:08 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Grim Reaper
Your going to have to 5 link that. Having the control arms parrallel you have not latteral control. It needs a panhard bar.

If you take the two center pars and have them meet at a angle over the diff then you can run without a panhard. It will have minimal rear steer under load.

goto and do some suspension search. Use key words like "anti Squat, 4 link, ackeman angle etc. THere is a ton of indepth stuff in there that you can pick up a few pointers.

5 link huh…
Thanks Grim. I know from the pictures it doesn’t look like we know what we’re doing but like I said in my original post “I started my 4 link” I'm not even close to being done .
We bag about 2 vehicles a month here and are using a diagonal track locator now. (not in picture yet) And before any one chimes in about Art Morrison and diagonals on a steer car, let me just say we’ve had a diagonal on a 69 Camaro G-Machine for 18 months now and the car is driven (hard) daily with zero problems. (So far…hehe) We know why the rod ends fail and have addressed that issue.
The panhard works well if you have plenty of wheel clearance or have limited travel, but on this particular truck we are going to be a little tight. We’ve ran wishbone track locators in the past with great success but are trying something different and it seems to work very well. I’ll post more pictures hopefully this weekend of the bag location and diagonal locator. I just never have time to work on my own stuff!

Ackerman Theory, 4 link, 4 bar set up? Learned that stuff along time ago.
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