Thread: SPID plate help
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Old 05-02-2018, 11:21 AM   #4
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Re: SPID plate help

Originally Posted by stsalvage View Post
My 1 ? is why worry about it.I seen over 250 guys come to me an say there looking for this poart with this number on it.

I like this one guy that came in to auto zone and was looking for a part that came on a Toyota Camry.The part never came up under that part number so the Parts guy asked him to go out and get the Vin number

He come back 5 mins with a Vin number parts guy runs the Vin it come back to a Lexus 250.He needs the rear air shocks.Parts guy tells him there 1800.00 Guy said why can't i get the one for the Camry parts guy tells him Camry did not come with air struts.he was trying to be nice to the customer.But if you want expensive you will have to pay the expensive price.

Guys use to come at me about wanting to have number matching parts for there car's and trucks.But give me low dollar for the part.I told 5 guys when you come at me for parts for numbers matching the price goes one 300%. I've talked to a lot of guys are buy part collections like the DZ 302 engine blocks or the Hemi 1967--72 or pulleys.They tell me The guys wanting a numbers matching car is looking to sell that car for maximum dollar.So i tell most guys that are looking for sertin date stamped parts per pair your self about spends a but load of money.

Me on the other had I tried to do the numbers game it drove me up the wall Life is too short.Now all i want to do is drive that dam thing.and enjoy it
What! What?
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