I am going to be putting my long bed back on my 70 GMC 1/2t LWB soon. It was quite a process getting it off using gorilla garden cart and a bunch of lifting and scootin the the front of the bed with two guys. I've just about got the bed stuff finished (tank relocation). Once done, my other guy bailed due to medical reasons. It was a tough lift for the two of us.
So, I'm trying to think of a way to lift the front of the bed enough to clear back wheels of truck so I can roll the truck underneath. It would be great if the lift could lift the whole thing then I could take the garden cart out of the equation. Also, it would be nice to be able to re-use whatever I go with as I plan to swap beds within the next Year.
SO my options so far are build something similar to this:
Though mine would be a bit smaller and use 4x4s for upright posts and a couple 2x6s for the crossbeam. I would probably not put casters on it for now so it would be fixed.
I think I could do one for around $150ish with a harbor freight chain hoist.
Then rig up a H pattern using 2x4s, remove tailgate, lift from tailgate end (may need an extended piece for boom). This would cost around $180 for the hoist and another $40ish for an extended boom.
Thoughts or any other ideas?? Trying to keep this cheap. Truck is on side of house on cement pad (no options for overhead rafters etc). No way to access bed with lift sideways. I have about 2' of room on one side of truck and about 3' on the other.