Originally Posted by HO455
Where did you get that hoist? That isn't your run of the mill HF cherry picker. I've been looking for a nice tall one like that to pull the engine out of my 52. It will save me from having to pull the front clip off and set the axle on the ground.
The short answer is we custom-built it.
I ''found'' the base [the "K" shaped part] outside a local auto parts store, leaning up against their dumpster. I sorta ''helped'' them get rid of it, see?
I just bought more extrusions, etc. as needed. My friend did the welding. The hydraulic ram was from Harbor Freight. We made it one-piece, not foldable, for more stability. I guess we built the mast as tall as we needed for our engine pick. The C/10 was up on jackstands.
We did partially dismantle the doghouse of my '68. I think the pass side fender stayed on for reference.