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Old 05-04-2018, 08:05 AM   #30
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Re: Assembly Line Photos

I always enjoy reading these posts about the assembly line, and of course the pics too. I can relate to the assembly line work, since I also work in an auto factory. I only have 10 months to go before retirement, at that time I will have been there for 30 years. Assembly line work takes a toll on the body.

I have to say, I get the biggest kick out of the tugger pic. GM had this back all those years ago. Where I work, which I can't say, due to confidentiality concerns. Up until about 10 years ago, we had to physically push the "no starts" off the line.

My Dad worked for GM, Fisher Body in Columbus Ohio. Worked there for 35 yrs. so I guess you can say that automobiles runs in our blood. One of his jobs, was making the tailgate band for the trucks. I never knew this, until I bought my 86 Chevy. The first time he came to see it, is when he told me about some of the parts he made for the trucks. Now I am most proud of the tailgate band I have.
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