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Old 05-09-2018, 11:10 PM   #20
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Re: 85 C10 "Rob Peter to Pay Paul" 5.3 Swap

Originally Posted by 71cadc10 View Post
Can i ask a quick question for you lost81c10? that last pic you posted, with the red plastic cover and bracket for the battery terminal / cables....

can you get a pic or describe where the ground for that goes to ? If I recall the big red cable goes to positive on the battery, and one up to the alt.
But where to the others go? I have that same assembly right now in my truck and wondering where to run them. Don't have a donor to look at. I'm thinking the ground runs to the frame somewhere ?

I have the big black cable going to the starter, that hugs around the oil pan....

I guess i can included but i think you got where they plug into the starter but just in case and if you didn't need it then its all good.
Cable A is the Positive connection from the battery and into the Red plastic box you mentioned. Cable B comes from the harness and routed the same way as cable A. Cable B has 2 connections that branch off of it right as it gets to the starter.
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