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Old 05-10-2018, 08:54 AM   #23
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Re: 85 C10 "Rob Peter to Pay Paul" 5.3 Swap

Originally Posted by ls1nova71 View Post
If you're going to be modding your own harness, then you really only need the harness on the engine. The big old fuse box will most likely not be used. You can use it, but I prefer the cleaner look of a much smaller fuse box dedicated to just the engine. It looks like its DBC so all you should need from inside the truck is the ALDL connector under the dash. Might keep the cruise control module in case you decide to add that later on too.
Thanks for the info. Ok so I will just take the engine harness (going all the way back to the rear, tranny, fuel pump..) which goes to the computer and to the three connector C100, C152 and C2 all the rest I will just leave in the truck.

What is the ALDL? I had not hear of that one. Now I have removed the OBD (I think that is what is called) connection with the wires from under the dash, driver side and Also the rear view mirror with the wires. By the way, what else besides the wires going to the mirror do I need to make it work like you did in your truck? do I need the little red looking light from the middle of the dash close to the windshield? I have it and the wires that were going to it but don't know if I need it at all as part of the mirror.

for cruise control, I did want to adapt it but from what I had read I thought it was impossible for a DBC body. so where is the module for it? is it this box in the pic? if it is I will remove it along with the cable to the TB and the wire connection which seems to be going into the cab, so just cut the wires close to the grommet or trace them all the way to the inside?

looking at the pic reminded me that I wanted to keep the hood light too.
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