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Old 05-11-2018, 07:36 AM   #11
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Re: 1965 C10 - First Old School Build

Thank you Captain Fab, it's come a long way but still has a long way to go!

A few more updates before I head off to the Lake.

Bed was empty so got some plywood, cut it and sealed it. Not bad for $40

CPP Track Bar and shock relocation with 2600 bags:

Cupped my front control arms this past winter; so thankful for the warm weather again:

He has made some amazing progress and the air ride is done and the truck finally made it to it's first car show locally. About a 15min drive both ways but he did great. Oh and his name is Willy. My kid's named him because the first day I got it running I was pulling it into the driveway the front wheel came off. Gotta love kids!
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