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Old 05-11-2018, 12:33 PM   #10
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Join Date: Mar 2018
Location: Bakersfield, CA
Posts: 308
Re: What differential rear end do I have???

Thanks again everyone for the tips. I usually drive new/newer vehicles, and usually have the maintenance done by a pro. So intentionally getting into stuff like this is not typical for me. haha

But, I want to know that the running gear is OK before I start driving it around and especially if I put my family in it. A good friend of mine who has been working on vehicles for over 50 years is my mentor and though he is kinda tired of working on them, he gives very good and important advice. He said "check and change the rear end oil" so that is getting done. Figure while I'm in there it's important to find out what I have.

Might be kind of a Duh question but, I'm guessing it's better to change/fill fluid while it's on level ground? Correct? But to see the side of the gear I may need to jack up the rear wheels to spin the gear??

I usually lift the rear with jack under the pumpkin. Should I put the rear on low jacks, pop cover off, drain, ID the gears, put cover back on, then drop wheels on the ground then add fluid?

Also, I've read where some people use a little RTV with the fel-pro gaskets?? Do or don't do that? And if I do, how long should I give the RTV to dry/set before filling with oil?

Lastly, what are the torque specs for the rear end bolts?
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