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Old 05-12-2018, 02:38 PM   #4
Old Truck Man
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Re: converting hyd clutch to mechanical.

I prefer a mechanical linkage. When I got the truck it had been setting. got it running and the clutch would not release. fill the resivor full and pumped my leg off still no release. Thinking the clutch disk was stuck to the flywheel I pulled the trans. Nope the clutch and flywheel appears brand new. finally got on U tube and learned you have to remove the slanting master cyl fron the firewall and bleed it by hand, there is a bleed screw on the master and none on the slave cyl. yep I will sell the parts when I convert to mechanical linkage. Back in1960 GM trucks went from a below the floorboards pedals to firewall under the dash pedals. and went with a hyd clutch release. that changed to mechanical in 63. Those trucks had a dual master cyl and the brakes and clutch shared the same resivor. and if you got a leak you lost both the clutch and the brakes. I never liked any hyd clutch release and always converted every 60 thru 62 I drove to mechanical clutch linkage from a 63 thru 66 truck.
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