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Old 05-14-2018, 05:48 AM   #2
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Re: Idle stop solenoid info

Originally Posted by bh86 View Post
I’m trying to get my 84 back to complete functioning condition. I just recharged the ac, it’s holding pressure and blowing cold air. It was missing the idle solenoid so I purchased a standard es110 off of eBay. The only thing I’m running into is the solenoid won’t raise the idle, it will only hold the idle higher if I have the ac on, then give it gas and then when I let off it will hold the higher idle speed. Basically it seems the solenoid is a lil bit weak to me or is that how these are actually designed to function?
Below is a description of how to check the operation of the "fast idle solenoid" - which is what I think you are asking about. It was only used with A/C systems. I'll you draw your own conclusions about whether your new solenoid is operating correctly - I think it is.

There is another type of solenoid used with Q-jets. Called an "idle stop solenoid" and that was used in a primitive attempt to prevent dieseling (i.e. run-on). I believe the part was actually the same - but it functioned and was mounted on the carburetor differently. Rather than bump idle up upon an increase in load, it would reduce idle. Also, I am pretty sure it only was installed in trucks with manual transmission applications:

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