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Old 05-16-2018, 05:29 PM   #14
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Re: 4wd trans crossmember, semi gloss powder coat, $150 shipped

Originally Posted by Killer Bee View Post
any of these struts available? with hardware? do you know if there is an exhaust routing issue, possibly with headers? shipping to 90744 please, thank you!

side question if you can answer; what's the story on the cross member hole pattern? the two top and bottom in the picture above are drilled both sides for what appears to be the skid plate pattern and one mount hole is elongated.. the black one in the middle does not have the extra holes. were the OE skid plate optioned cross members drilled this way at the factory? done by dealer? thank you!

I bought a bare skid plate from Koop and couldn't find cross member.. two weeks later got a good deal on a powder coated cross member and skid plate.. none of the cross members in my K20 or K1500 are drilled, or have struts in them for that matter.. so trying to figure out what to do with the extra plate, maybe add it to the other side just to protect the cross member and minimize the exposed edge when wheelin'.. I split a lighter duty trans cross member in two on rock in mojave a few years back and the manual trans wouldn't reach any gears in the rear of the pattern because the shifter was hitting the floor opening
I still have some of those struts, those came from square body trucks, not sure of the trans and transfer case setups, they will either fit or need cutting and welding for length.

As for the crossmember center hold pattern...I think the elongated center hole with the heat shield is square body too.
I'm not sure about the drilling for skid plates, I have noticed all the ones I have are drilled...

I will post a pic of the strut rods later, I saw them a few weeks ago when I was cleaning...
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