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Old 05-16-2018, 10:55 PM   #15
Killer Bee
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Re: 4wd trans crossmember, semi gloss powder coat, $150 shipped

thank you! I'm handy with a welder and cutting tools so I may give it a shot in my '71.. I plan to off road a little bit so any extra strength in the drivetrain is welcome..

the hole pattern would be handy predrilled but I can lay it out with a skid plate for a template..

curious though about the one you pictured in powder coat missing some of the holes the top and bottom ones have.. was making me wonder if I should keep shopping for two of those instead of drilling mine..

I already have a few locations I plan to heat shield because of headers and high n tight exhaust route.. I like the way exhaust is routed but rather have a couple of components shielded from the heat..

thanks again and no rush on my account, progress is slooow on this end..
I started out with nothing - and I still have most of it
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