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Old 05-05-2004, 11:43 AM   #1
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Thumbs up Tachometer solutions

On my '73 K5--I tried in vain to repair the tachometer, which had a very jumpy innaccurate needle. It appears that GM never intended these to be worked on. Mine was an entirely closed (riveted shut) system, and when I cracked it all open--there was no way to fix it, no calibration screws, etc. My local speedo/tach shop also gave me the thumbs down on any hope of repair, and the junkyards I searched laughed at me when I asked if they had any tachs on hand. So in desperation--I just completed the conversion of installing the guts from an Autometer model#2697 tachometer (0-5000rpm, 270 degr. needle sweep) behind my factory tach face. Must say it turned out great--finally I have a reliable tachometer again while retaining all the OEM cosmetics. The entire process took about 2-3 hours, and did involve some mild hurdles, but with patience anyone can do this retrofit. I took photos along the way, and can email the process & description to you if anyone is interested. Cheers--Tommy :p
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