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Old 05-22-2018, 11:40 AM   #94
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Re: Calling all 700R4 Experts!

Originally Posted by made2drag View Post
Ok, I know this is an old post and you recently got 4th back.

Things to check:

Have someone hold your gas pedal down all the way to the floor (not running) and feel how tight the TV cable is. If it's like almost as tight as a guitar string, it should be good.

While driving watch your speed around 50-55 and see if you see any rpm drops and if not, move from OD to this like 10 times and you may see it shift. If it starts working it will probably keep working like mine did. Also, make sure your fluid is showing at the top of the operation mark on the dipstick, if it's even a hair lower than the crosshatching it may not ever shift into 4th. Check it after 30 mins of driving to make sure you get a good solid reading and if you add some, drive another 10 mins and check again.

A th350 low on fluid will not drive at all, a 700r4 will drive fine in 1,2,3.

Also, mine still wasn't shifting to 4th even with it hot after a 30 mins drive and showing on the full mark, until I did the OD to D shifts back and forth. I drove like 10 mins shifting it back and forth and it finally felt a shift.

I have 3.08 gears and a 26" tire and mine shifts at 17, 30 and 52 MPH.

Another rabbit to run is to make sure your dipstick is a stock 700r4 dipstick. I had a aftermarket dipstick in my last truck that gave me false readings for full. Not sure why people stick those Lokar dipsticks in....Junk.
YES!!! Practical experience!
The shifting in and out of 4 (OD) supports the sticky valve idea.
I currently shift at 16, 24. haven't driven enough to find a consistent upshift speed into 4th.
fluid level is correct.
'72 K5, known as 'the Fox.'
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