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Old 05-22-2018, 08:57 PM   #100
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Re: Calling all 700R4 Experts!

Originally Posted by YoungPup1977 View Post
Raise the rear wheels off the ground and make sure Transfer case is in 2H and run it thru the gears just like made2drag you have a tach on your daily truck ?

this way you have no excuse for only going 45 MPH and not getting it into 4th and lockup if they even work.....

shift the hell out of the thing manually and see where that takes ya.....

maybe it might fix itself like made2drag said happened to his....4th comes back ??

What was wrong with the new TV cable ? you said it was wrong, what was wrong about it....when you replace the cable unhook it from the carb and bracket before you disconnect it from the the trans once disconnected from carb and bracket remove the 10 mm bolt and pull up on the cable and disconnect the cable once you pull up on the cable exposing the small metal rod from inside the pan....slides out of the cable end..... easy stuff....even I can do it.

Your old cable could be binding, so you already spent money on new cable...go exchange it if its wrong get the right want me to call the parts place you bought the cable from and make sure you get the right one ??

We want this fixed today, this is your daily right ? Hate to see young guys are a young guy correct ?
Wow. Well... for starters, the short piece of shroud that actuallu goes in to the transmission is bigger than the “correct” cable, meaning the hile is bigger and the cable won’t seal.

No, no tach.

Young feller? Not if you’re asking me. I’ve had this truck for 20 years...

After all the debate and the results of different things that have been suggested and tried, the proper WOT doesn’t release the cable enough at idle or near idle. I believe this is called the preload tension.

Obviously, this is some sort of frankenstein transmission despite ‘professionals’ having worked onbit before. The lack of the correct side port and the TV cable hole size both point to this.
'72 K5, known as 'the Fox.'
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