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Old 05-26-2018, 11:17 AM   #9
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Re: Vintage Air Heater Hoses at Firewall - Grommets?

Grainger sells all sizes of grommets. They only come in bags of 25, but I got exactly the sizes I was looking for.

Just measure the OD of the hose for the ID of the grommet(made sure it was a bit smaller so it would seal), and the ID of the hole in the firewall for the OD of the groove in the grommet. Then depending on those sizes they even have some that have different groove dimensions.

I am installing a Vintage Air system with the EZ Clip lines, but am routing the lines above the fender well through the far right side of the firewall and fresh air intake. That means I am not using the hard lines provided with the kit. See the pic.
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Last edited by Zeroman; 05-27-2018 at 09:11 AM.
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