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Old 05-27-2018, 01:48 AM   #1
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1973 & 1974 GMC tailgate, band, raised chrome letters

I'm offering this rare tailgate for trade. Id like a pair of NOS fenders, but would consider a pristine pair of used as well as possibly one fender plus cash

Tailgate itself is the rare deluxe version with the raised gmc letters in the top driver side corner.

Condition wise: GMC letters are very nice with good red pi striping still present, but have a couple blemishes on them; tailgate band needs polishing and has only one small ding I could find under the handle that is hard to see except at just the right angle; tailgate itself has some small spots the paint rubbed, especially from formerly having a "tailgate lip protector" over the top edge, has some small dings on the inside surface and one small one on the bottom. Tailgate trim strip from bottom was removed when I got it, but is loose and included.
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