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Old 05-31-2018, 06:57 PM   #1
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Join Date: Dec 2017
Posts: 47
68 C40 Food Truck Build

Ok guys.. First post of what I'm sure is going to be LOTS so let me start out by saying I'm glad this site is here and I want to make sure I will be starting this in the correct forum. Here is a brief summary of what will be going on.
I will be taking my Brothers (mine now) 68 C40 and turing it into a Wood Fired Pizza Truck. There is currently no other truck like this and honestly without some serious help and input from this group there will probably never be. I'm going to build a 12x8' box ( like a box truck) on the bed starting from the cab back then outside the box the wood fired oven will sit on the last 5 or 6' of the bed with the mouth being accessable from inside the box. If I can figure it out I will post a pick I found of a truck in Canada that shows the oven/box idea. If I'm in the correct place my posts will be focused on the mechanical components of the base truck in order to be respectful of the form as this is not a food truck build forum. If that's ok?. I will stop here for now and await some responses as to if I'm in the correct forum. I will try to add a picture. If anyone is interested (this is not a ploy for business/advertising just to show what we do) I currently have an oven mounted on a tandem axle open trailer building the truck is the next step. You can veiw my IG page at milansmarket. Again this is not about getting likes it's just to let you all see what up. I'm here strickly to get help and hopfully help others that will have similar issues with their C40. Thanks.
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