Originally Posted by Low87
Sorry to hear about the family, you and Brandon running off together?
Greg, if I was to run off with anyone, she'd have a lot more hair and a lot smaller waist than Brandon (no offense buddy).

Although, from what I hear, B is getting alot closer to that smaller waist!
Originally Posted by swervin ervin
Damn, what's up with all these divorces?
I don't know Mike. I definitely never thought it would going through this. I just married somebody that hid alot from me and has never been honest. When you can't believe a word your own spouse says, it's really hard to trust and stick by them. Unfortunately, I have two young kids and that is the hardest part. However, I think they will see more love with us apart then they ever did with us together.
To the rest of you, thanks for the help. The amp I have is bridgeable and can be switched between 2 and 4 ohms. From what y'all have said, it should be fairly simple. Like I said, I've done this stuff before. I haven't bought subwoofers yet. My plan (because I'm on a budget), is to just buy one 12" and a ported enclosure. I'm not going for tremendous bass, however I do want some good sound. With only a 400W Kenwood amp, I probably will need to stick with the single voice coil sub because that's about all it could push. I'm currently looking at an Audiobahn and an MTX. I figured since all my other speakers are Audiobahn that maybe I should just finish it out with one. We'll see. I'll let you y'all know how it sounds.