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Old 06-09-2018, 01:17 PM   #13
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Re: fuel filler location - wheres yours?

Moved mine to rear of drivers side fender as shown. Nothing fancy as its a military type truck. Used a 25 gallon tank out of 84 k10 and modified the k10s filler as well. simple practical and works well. May add a stainless trim ring for S&G. Using the original K10 filler with the 1/2" breather tube works really well with no burps or splashs at any flow rate. Did have to notch the bottom of the bed to make clearance. Did drill a 1/16" hole in the non vented cap. Minor gas emmisions and no vacuum issues. Takes the fear out of fillups especially here in Oregon where attendants usually fill your tank.

Long Boring Warning: I'm an old retired engineer with more low level air sampling experience than i care to admit. According to "cab air" monitoring i've done please consider moving the tank out of the cab. It should have NEVER been there given what we know now about the toxicity of benzene and other gas constituents. Most can smell (gas) benzene at 1.5 to 4 PPM. Exposure limits are 1 PPM or lower based on Carcinogenicity. Even the most perfectly sealed tank and filler tubes won't stop it. Its why gas is a such a great and smelly solvent are it penetrates so well. (you don't want to know what your exposure is like at an average station visit - trust me you don't even with the new vapor recovery systems) In cab concentrations can go way up with heat and how well the cab is sealed. The oil and gas companies will never tell you any of this. Paranoia? nope. accurate results with lab calibrated instrumentation? yup. I just love all the extra cab space behind the seat.
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