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Old 05-06-2004, 07:08 PM   #3
drag body or die
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Redneck country
Posts: 79
This is bringing an old post from the dead, but ah well.

I havent seen the KP 6 link for this model yet, but i'm going to guess its like the other fullsize and its a parallel 4 with the lever bars. Its a great design with great lift, generally a 1.5-1.7, i'm not sure if this is a full 2:1 or not. But with double convo bags, it will ride like a dream.

A plain parallel 4 like the air bar is nice also, uses sleeve bags so it rides nice as well. But there are some nice problems with ART's stuff lately. Mostly for the S10 crowd i'm seeing, but that doesnt mean much, ya know? Their airbar is breaking shock tabs, just like the roadgrater, thus allowing the sleeve bags to pull apart (b/c they dont have stops in them, you have to have something to limit the travel, which art uses the shocks to do that). They give you a limiting strap, but who wantas a strap on their stuff to hold the rear together? No me.

IMO.. i'd get ***************** parallel 4 link and either a) make some lever attachments in the rear with his 2x2 box bars.. or b) gusset under the top bar and put the bag on top, in a lever setup on the parallel 4.

Also on a 73-87, the frame being so narrow, a parallel 4 is the only setup that can be correctly setup, tri 4's and what not, dont have the room, unless you rear-clip the truck. imo.
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