Originally Posted by wesweaver
I'm in need of some help. What would cause one cyclinder to foul plugs. I have a 400sb. I don't know all the spec's on the motor. It was installed in the truck when I got it. The problem started a week ago. The truck started running like crap. It would idle fine, but when you got on the gas it just putted along. A friend said it sounded like a fouled plug. Low and behold it was. It was fouled bad with a butt load of carbon build up. The truck runs good now wioth a fresh set of bosch plats in it. I had A/C delco r45st in it. If it happens again what do you guys suggest my course of action be. Thanks for the help in advance.
If you've checked the obviouse things (ignition system, fuel system) I'd have a leak down test done. Did one prior to my rebuild, after I got the bad news, it was determined that #8 had 0 compresson and #5 was cracked. Heads were warped and 2 springs were broken. Believe i or not, only at idle you could tell something was really wrong.