Power drums would be a good upgrade, a disk brake conversion is overkill unless one or more of the following apply:
1. Towing heavy loads
2. Frequent driving down steep grades
3. Driving in excessive traffic/stop and go.
For 95% of us, none of these apply, so your cost/benefit ratio is nill. Plus you already have new shoes and I assume they are in good working order. Get yourself the pedal rod/booster bracket assembly off any 67-70 truck, add a new 3/4 ton booster, and bolt on your existing master cylinder/prop valve. If your master cylinder is old, replace that as well. You'll get far more cost vs safety benefits from having a fully serviced power drum/drum system than you will converting to disks.
I will conceed that disks are easier to maintain and are more trouble free (maintenance) in the long run. But don't run out and convert just because someone tells you drum brakes are not safe. The overriding factors are how safe a driver are you and under what conditions do you drive. Remember even with disks it'll still be a 34 year old vehicle and should be driven with that in mind.
Currently on or near the homestead:
67 Chevy SWB 2WD stepside 350/3 on tree (Pat's)
67 GMC SWB 2WD Fleet 402/auto (Brian's under construction)
67 Chevy 3/4 ton 2WD 402/auto (Business Hauler)
67 Chevy 1 ton dually 2WD 396/4 speed (Former business hauler, Needs TLC)
68 Chevy 1/2 ton Suburban 2WD 250 six/3 on tree (Brian's Needs TLC)
70 Chevy 3/4 ton 4WD 350/4 speed (Pat's - Disguised as a 68 GMC)
71 Chevy SWB stepside (Crushed by tree - parts donor)
72 Chevy 3/4 ton 4WD (Parts donor)
72 Chevy 3/4 ton 4WD Suburban (Parts Donor)
72 GMC 3/4 ton 4WD 292 six/4 speed (Mine - Disguised as a 67 GMC)
81 GMC 4WD Dually Dump Body 350/4 speed (Business Hauler)
82 Camaro Z/28 355/Super T-10 (Pat's toy)
93 Caprice 9C1 (Brian's Cop Car)
02 Toyota Camry (Reliable but a souless steel and plastic hulk)
2011 2SS RS Camaro M6 Factory Hurst Shifter
Maybe I need to sell some of this crap
Yet another Bozo with a sawz-all