Thanks everyone,
The model A has been sitting for a couple years, cab off the frame on a rolling body dolly type thing. Got a first gen hemi (slowly) rebuilding... might trade for aflathead though, leaning more toward a 30’s/40’s kinda period car.
Knucklehead is another basket project that is a pile of parts lol. I don’t have the $$$ to buy lotsa OG stuff, little bit here and there. Have title in my name, frame, springer, cases, new cylinders, new pistons and new crank. Just found some nice OG heads
The 62 truck is the only thing I have that runs lol. Got some snot with the b&m supercharger, few other goodies on the 350... edelbrock aluminum race heads, demon carb, and a nice cam. Waiting on some suspension parts and spindles to lower a bit
Got a 72 norton commando 750, another pile... somebody took it apart and left it. I’ll get to it.... one day lol
Have a little sportster bobber too, built it in a shed back before I had a shop... would do the welding in the basement haha, adapter for the mig to use the dryer plug. Currently tore down because I’m indecisive... and for some more ponies