Thread: On the move...
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Old 05-07-2004, 06:21 PM   #5
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Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: West Central Louisiana
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You'll be roughly centered between Mexico, the Gulf of Mexico, and Houston, in an area I would KILL to be in. The humidity shouldn't be too much worse than Colorado, and the terrain looks like great 4X4 country. You're also moving to the only state in the union that has literally every terrain feature known in the world except tundra, or glaciers. Check out the maps at this link. Sieze the opportunity. And remember you're in LUV!!! If you like her enough to uproot and change states, you'll make out. But Spanish lessons will probably be required.....
'72 Blazer, 4WD, 350/4 spd. Affectionately known as "Da Beast"
'04 Silverado (new daily driver)
'00 Intrepid (wife's ride)

It's a BLAZER dude! No options, no emblems, no a/c, no fancy shmancy. It's a BLAZER....
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