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Old 06-27-2018, 11:48 PM   #14
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Join Date: Jul 2015
Location: Vacaville CA
Posts: 158
Re: Tilt Steering Column Help Needed!

Here are some pics of the shift lever that specifically said was for a tilt column, but it does not fit. Looking at it again it looks like with some grinding and filing, it should fit but I should not have to modify a part that is supposed to fit. I read the articles about the chinese columns and the one I bought is made in china but it is aluminum and looks to be well made. I called the vendor that I bought it from and they sell an adjustable shaft/u-joints/splined adapter for the steering box. No rag joint but the rep said he has ran this setup before without a problem. I have to admit I am on the fence but I do want turn signals that work, a shiny non-rusty gear selector and a shiny chrome aluminum column would look nice!
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