Thread: '70 k20 doors
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Old 06-28-2018, 08:01 PM   #2
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Re: '70 k20 doors

The trouble is most likely with the hinge bushings, not adjustment. There are 2 hinges w/ 2 nylon bushings each. The bushings can wear out, then the metal pins start wearing on the hinge and elongate the hinge holes. Luckily these truck doors aren't that long (think 2nd gen Camaro long) so the hinges are often ok.
The trouble is getting the pins out even off the truck (now you need to adjust after rebuild) can be tough. The pins are staked on the bottom. Grind the tops and drive them down.
Then there are plastic friction things to slow the door that are rumored to exist aftermarket, but I've never seen them.
72 doors have a hole under the wing window that's a one year thing. Regulators are different in 71-72, but I think the doors will swap.
You can get Dorman replacement pins and a bushing selection from the red help section at any auto parts store. See 38400 in the link below.

You can type any nonsense you want and do a web search rather than wait all day.
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