Re: Hello from East Alabama
Thanks for the welcome neighbor.
There are really no build plans. Just wake her up and get her back out there.
I pretty much plan on just putt putting around for a little while and I’ll go from there. Just plain and simple runs to the grocery, drug, auto store etc. type stuff. Live like…What our parents had to back in the time? Both mine were born in 32. Deal with it like they had to back then type stuff. (Dream)
First on the list: positive ground to negative and 2nd swap it to 12v. The PO was running off a 12v he had wired into a large welder riding in the bed. Took out all the lights but the 1 tail, the amp meter and now I got a full tank of gas at all times. (I Wish).
(Safety is in mind)
I got to watch the ride tour fly by and truly loved it. Set on the front porch all day watching. Got a few shots below. No way I could get you all.