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Old 07-01-2018, 10:49 AM   #11
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Re: 69 Swb Opinions and Info Needed

Originally Posted by 35boulder View Post
I may be in the minority here, but I'm a small block fan. If the PG is in working order then the 283 option seems like the least expensive way in. Always thought a 283 w power pack heads was a nice running engine. Just my opinion. Good luck.
Not really, I am a 61 model, and so is the 283. I always wanted to find a vehicle to try it in too. Here is one of the problems that either the 283 or the 327 bring on. Both of these motors sport non accessory hole heads. The 283 has power packs and the 327 has big valve double humps. Both motors are sentimental and that is why they are even in the running for transplant. I said earlier that I will add air to this truck at some point, sooner more than later, probably. So again, scaring up brackets for all this is a real scavenger hunt. Just thinking out loud. It will work out one way or another.
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