In my opinion -- satellite radio replaces CD decks. If you have never experienced satellite radio -- you MUST try it (no -I'm not a dealer/installer). No matter what your tastes, you will find a channel dedicated soley to your wants, without the hassles of carting CDs to/from your house/car. Once you have the satellite radio installed--trust me--you won't miss the CD deck. The advantages for installation are that the equipment required is much smaller, and can all be located under the driver's seat.
In my case, I don't want any cutting, and I want everything (almost) totally invisible, here's my dream setup. Under the dash -- a Kenwood S5028 speaker ( ) It's a dual (stereo) speaker that fits the single center dash factory speaker mount. On the transmission hump (as far forward as possible) a Clarion SIRPNP satellite radio receiver mounted on a Clarion SIRCR cradle ( The SIRPNP receives the satellite radio signal from the antenna, and then broadcasts it into your FM radio. If you don't have an FM radio -- hidden in the console mount a Secret Audio FM display head which comes with it's own RF (radio frequency) remote control, meaning that you don't have to point it (the remote) at anything to make it work. The display unit looks like this ( Under the driver's seat, a SecretAudio S102 controller/tuner --basically a black box that acts as an FM radio (if you truck doesn't already have one). Under each front seat, you would have any 6"x9" speaker made by Cerwin Vega company. Again, this is just my opinion, but there is simply no equal to the sound quality that C-V makes in the 6x9 speaker size. This size will fit nicely under most Blazer seats. If you have a Pickup--you've got even more room behind the seat. Last-- you need a Kenwood KSC-WA62RC subwoofer ( -these are commonly available for about $180 elsewhere. This entire package will set you back about $800 (parts only) and you will have a system that meets almost any need. I'm not the kind of driver who likes to have my steroe annoy othger drivers, but this is a system that would give me the sound quality that rivals modern Hi-Fi car audio. Goo dluck-- Tommy