Thread: AC Orifice Tube
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Old 07-06-2018, 10:15 AM   #8
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Re: AC Orifice Tube

Originally Posted by Woodyboat View Post
You just stated here that you're replacing the DRYER? If your system uses a dryer, I don't believe it will use an orifice tube. Instead, a system without a dryer uses an expansion valve that will be near the evaporator somewhere under the dash...I think.

A system with an accumulator will use an orifice tube. I'm not totally sure that I'm correct on this but I feel pretty certain that I am. One problem is that there is SO much MISinformation out there that it's really difficult to know what you have, how it's supposed to work and so forth. I honestly believe that the industry does NOT want DYI folks like us fooling with their AC systems when so many mechanics have spent thousands of dollars on machinery to reclaim refrigerants and so forth. It's such a huge profit margin for them too.

Here is one very important lesson that I've learned by working with the AC systems on my cars and trucks: DO NOT BUY A REMAN CONPRESSOR! THEY ARE WORTHLESS! Spend a few more dollars and get a brand new compressor. It's not important how I know this.
I think you're correct. I was wondering about that too. I'm currently swapping in a Vintage Air Surefit system in place of the OEM in my 85. There is NO orifice tube included or mentioned in the kit or instructions. And like you said, there is a " mushroom shaped" copper or brass valve thingy with a copper capillary tube coming out of the EVAP case.
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