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Old 07-06-2018, 10:17 AM   #28
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Re: Could anyone spring into action post and cut me a brake? See what I did there?

Originally Posted by RustyBucket View Post
That's an understatement... you hafta get all sweaty & filthy and cuss it good too. It's not just because you've never done it before, it can be a P.I.T.A. for anybody. A few more suggestions...... have you bathed the studs, drum & axle flange in PB Blaster? Gonna replace the shoes anyway, squirt some in there too. I'm assuming you've tried beating the snot out of the edge of the drum from behind(while trying not to hit the backing plate). Smack it alternately on each side. I've got a short lineman's hammer that's beaten a few into submission. Use your BIGGEST B.F.H.. It can be kinda therapeutic flailing at it & cussing, particularly when it starts to move a little. Might bust a drum but better that not getting it off. O'rielly might loan you a whopper sized 3 jaw puller. I've had one for years that was the biggest of a cheap Chinese set. Keep us posted...... retire soon, you'll like it. I remember, work DID suck. Some days worse than others.
That is funny! Well there you have it, give it some finesse and loosen the adjuster, or use the bigger hammer method!
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